Thursday, 22 October 2015

Hallowe'en: T minus nine days

Anyone who knows me even remotely slightly knows that Hallowe’een is my favourite holiday of the year. I enjoy it more than Christmas to be honest, (in part due to my dislike of Christmas), but also because it’s THE ONE DAY A YEAR WHEN EVERYONE HAS TO GET DRESSED UP. 

So, obviously, for a person who has a blog that’s all about fancy dress, Hallowe’en is the high point of the year. (I'm also a very big proponent of scary not sexy Hallowe'een costumes. Slutty cat? Slutty pirate? Slutty pizza?? Fuck off. Come as a beheaded zombie or nothing. Fucking patriarchy.)

Anyway, now that I’ve moved back to Liverpool and can actually afford to live somewhere that isn’t a cardboard box, and do actually live somewhere pretty awesome I’m having a Hallowe’en house party. This will be documented in its own post after the party of course, but needless to say I’ve had my outfit planned since about August, and over the last month or two have been slowly stockpiling decorations. (No slutty cats allowed, naturally). 

The last two years at uni I’ve had three nights out at Hallowe’en (the Wednesday sports night, then the Friday and Saturday nights of actual Hallowe’en) and as I’m not one to recycle costumes so close together that’s meant six different costumes. 

Daenarys Targaryean (and my ex as Khal Drogo, which will probably never get a post because it makes me too sad to think about. Fucking awesome costume though. *Sigh*)

Hallowe’een 2013 – Broken China Doll 


Dark Link (yes from Zelda 64) and what I wore to a Tim Burton themed party (excellent theme incidentally) - Sweeney Todd.


The clothes were pretty easy. Black trousers, white shirt, black waistcoat (a combo used for many a costume, I think I don't ever wear that waistcoat in "normal" life). I tied my hair back and pulled a bit out to make it look shorter, then went to town with black and white hairspray. NB you need LOTS, especially the white because it comes out so thin that even to just get that little stripe took nearly a whole bottle. Face and neck painted white, eyes dark, fake blood on the neck. Plus sideburns. My friends found that bit particularly hilarious but the devil's in the details! Hallowe'en is NOT about looking hot, it's about looking scary! Bottom picture is of some other Sweeneys at the party, plus a very very good Mrs Lovatt. On reflection I could have probably done with a cravat, and probably mor fake blood. I would point out though that I was the only one who sprayed my own hair and didn't use a wig, in a similar vein to my Cruella costume....

And here’s another Tim Burton character for good measure – Edward Scissorhands – Hallowe’en 2007. My college at Cambridge had fancy dress formal dinner for Hallowe’en every year. Think the Great Hall from Harry Potter, long benches, latin grace, but everyone dressed up, getting smashed on disgusting white wine. Great stuff. Have to say the scissors did make it hard to eat. Also on reflection, this is again quite similar to Sweeney Todd, black stripey trousers, white shirt, braces...white face, black hair. And scissor hands obviously. (Cardboard covered in tin foil, sellotaped to black gloves). 

(My friend has come as…Me in this picture by the way. Yes I used to dress like that, and wear glasses. She snuck into my room and stole some of my clothes, then put stickers on with some of the things I used to say quite often. No idea what the pose is about. Probably something to do with taking photos….)

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